Empowering Women: Kamala Harris’ Inspiring Message Amidst Her Potential Run for the Democratic Party

In a landscape where women and minorities often find themselves marginalized, Kamala Harris stands as a beacon of hope and possibility. As the first female, Black, and South Asian Vice President of the United States, her journey is nothing short of historic. Her powerful declaration, “I may be the first, but I will not be […]

The Power of Ideas – an excerpt

Feeling provides the original supply of energy, but this supply of energy soon fails if the feelings are not rationalized. For the rationalization justifies the feelings and serves at the same time both as a substitute for feelings and as a stimulant for them when they are dormant. You cannot go on feeling violently all the time-the human organism does not allow of it. But an idea persists; once you have persuaded yourself of its truth, an idea justifies the continuance in cold blood of actions which emotion could only have dictated in the heat of the moment.


Jazz in Japan has a rich and fascinating history, reflecting a unique blend of Western influences and Japanese cultural elements. The journey of jazz to the Land of the Rising Sun began in the early 20th century, but it truly took root after World War II, evolving into a distinct genre that continues to thrive today.

Held hostage by the Dopamine Cartels: BigTech’s feast and the remaining void

We live in a time where, for many, the allure – or should we say score – of the next swipe, like, or share is just a flick of the thumb away, we’ve unwittingly become the leads in a ‘structured reality show’ remake of The Matrix ([1999]. Our director? Algorithms with a perversion for human psychology, intent on turning us into the very essence of what we consume: a series of endless, augmented human adverts and mind-numbing distractions. Ted Gioia’s, soberingly insightful and terrifying exploration of the “State of the Culture, 2024” unveils a society teetering on the brink of a post-art, post-entertainment apocalypse.

A permanent state of transition

In the realm of technology, our devices have become modern transitional objects. Smartphones, laptops, and other gadgets seamlessly blend virtual and real worlds, acting as bridges between our personal spaces and the vast digital landscape. Similar to a child’s teddy bear, these devices offer a sense of comfort and connection, becoming integral in our daily lives.

Lacanian Dimensions in Therapy: Navigating the Imaginary, the Symbolic, and the Real

Jacques Lacan, a pioneering figure in psychoanalysis, introduced a compelling framework that sheds light on the intricate dance between self-perception and external influences. In the realm of therapy, understanding Lacan’s three versions of how individuals perceive their main caregivers—the Imaginary, the Symbolic, and the Real—provides clinicians with a profound tool to unravel the complexities of human development and identity formation.

Winnicott and the ‘False Self’

Donald Winnicott’s concept of the false self, a pivotal aspect of his psychoanalytic theory, delves into the adaptive persona individuals create to navigate the world. According to Winnicott, the false self emerges as a defense mechanism, often developed early in life to shield the authentic self from external pressures and potential threats. It represents a socially acceptable façade that conceals one’s true thoughts, emotions, and vulnerabilities.

The tale of the omnipotent therapist

In the vast landscape of psychotherapy, the allure of an omnipotent psychoanalytic approach can, paradoxically, become a stumbling block rather than a foundation for therapeutic success. The concept of omnipotence in therapy often suggests an excessive sense of power or authority on the part of the therapist, and while expertise is crucial, an unyieldi

Unveiling the Depth: The Benefits of Long-Term Psychotherapy Over CBT

In the realm of mental health treatment, both long-term psychotherapy and Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) stand as valuable tools. While CBT is renowned for its structured, goal-oriented approach, long-term psychotherapy offers a different perspective, delving into the intricate layers of one’s psyche. In this exploration, I will unveil the benefits of long-term psychotherapy, emphasising the unique […]

Hey, should I assimilate or integrate: Navigating cultural dynamics

Immigration has long been a driving force behind the cultural tapestry of nations. When immigrant groups enter a new country, they often undergo processes of assimilation or integration, each with its distinct characteristics. In this article, I will explore the nuances of assimilation and integration, shedding light on how these approaches shape the relationship between newcomers and their adopted homeland.